Facebook friends what type of updates

And news can help start conversations on important issues. Does this mean you are eliminating Page content from News Feed? This update is not the same as the recent tests where all Page content was moved to the Explore Tab.

Page posts will still appear in News Feed, though there may be fewer of them. Recent Posts. January 24, The Live Blog: January 24, Since rolling out Facebook Live, we've seen people and publishers around the world seize the opportunity to share their experiences as they happen, especially during key cultural moments. View all blog posts.

Next Post. Because of this, we showed people more text status updates in their News Feed. As a result, the latest update to News Feed ranking treats text status updates from Pages as a different category to text status updates from friends.

We are learning that posts from Pages behave differently to posts from friends and we are working to improve our ranking algorithms so that we do a better job of differentiating between the two types. This will help us show people more content they want to see. Page admins can expect a decrease in the distribution of their text status updates, but they may see some increases in engagement and distribution for other story types.

It's against their Terms of Service for one person to have more than one account. That's not to mention the fact that your accounts all look very sinister.

I don't think HubPages will be too thrilled with you either. Alright now I'm really upset You can't help anyone your not friends with even thought I am Good to know there is a way to change that and receive more posts you want to see.

I found that iPhone app called Whatt that is made specifically to share status updates with friends. They do not filter out any posts. Just need to your friends to be there though Your comment from above - However, it will not change the settings you previously set manually. For example, if you changed the settings so you would not receive news about Games someone is playing, putting that person on the Close Friends list will not override your setting.

Thanks in advance for your help. I'm so glad this helped you, NotPC. My Facebook was getting pretty boring, too, for a while. It's definitely more interesting now. Social Networking. Internet Culture. Internet Entertainment. Internet Security. Internet Browsers.

Computer Repairs. Cell Phones. Consumer Electronics. Home Theater Equipment Information. Instead, why not just post it online? These status updates are very similar to the Melodramatic Update, but this is geared towards just one person. The person who posted this does not have the nerve to actually approach "the slut. We'll probably never hear the other side of the story unless "the slut" confronts her online and a Facebook catfight begins. Please, at least tell me you got it on sale or something.

What a boring update. If this is the best you can do, you might want to stay away from updating anyone until you have something else to say. Example: "Bob in IT just said I am playing my music too loud in my cubicle.

I HATE him! Maybe he should spend more time fixing the network, which is down again, and less time judging me. Now I have another meeting and I am behind on my project again. I hate Mondays! Oh boy, this is a popular status update. I will admit I am really guilty about posting this type of update. Sometimes when at work, the computer is your only outlet for frustration.

You have to be careful about this type of update, though. You'd better have a private profile for this one. If your boss sees it, you may have more free time for Facebook while unemployed. Example: "Just got back from my week long Caribbean cruise.

I almost don't have enough time to pack for my business trip in Florida in 2 days. When you read these updates, don't you just want to punch a hole through the monitor?

I am sure whoever posts updates like this does not realize how annoying they sound. Perhaps they've been to so many wonderful places, and their lives are full of so much excitement that they do not even remember what it is like to just sit at home and read stuff like that on the computer.

At least this status update is better than a mundane one. Usually, after a status update like this, at least a few other people respond with equally confusing comments about gorillas. Most of their responses include short sentences or just a word or two. What are you talking about? If you are not going to share with the rest of us, stop being so annoying and using that as a status update. PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay. Example: "I am still really itchy, but at least that rash is clearing up.

Don't ever use the toilets at Todd's house. Oh, wow. That was really gross, yet informative. I did need to know that if I know Todd, but why are you sharing that with the world? Is your mom on Facebook? Is your boss? Thanks for sharing, but no thanks. I guess we need a little humor here and there, and why not express it on Facebook? This is more fun to read than most other updates. The Lyric Status Update is a way to convey a message to your friends in a poetic way by using song lyrics.

Some people alter the lyrics to be creative, while other people quote directly from a song. Well, that is awfully bossy. I have a different status update I want to use today. So what happens if I do not repost this? Do I seem like an insensitive, cancer-loving jerk? I assure you, I hate cancer just like everyone else, but I want the freedom to express myself however I please while using Facebook.

I guess I am an insensitive jerk after all. I guess I'll repost it. Example: "I am going to clean up my friend list this weekend. If I don't hear from you by Friday, I am going to unfriend you.

Is that what it comes down to now? If I don't send you a message and beg to be your friend, you are going to unfriend me on Facebook? Thanks, Grandma. I thought you loved me. The Ultimatum Status Update is quite popular with folks that have, oh, I don't know They friend everyone, get overwhelmed, and then start weeding people out. If you don't say something nice, you are gone. Usually, a person decides to do this because the status updates probably like some listed above have gotten out of hand.

One or two people just become so annoying that others must suffer, too. Of course, it would not be so nice to just unfriend the one or two offenders; just delete people at once, and the offender will never be offended! Example: "I am on Hubpages writing a hub about status updates. Thinking about going to lunch at Panera's after this. Anyone interested? Yes, sometimes people just have a normal status update they want to share. These updates include a normal activity and perhaps a "shout-out" to friends to see if they would also like to engage in a normal activity with you.

Sometimes we all get a little bored and decide to post a general update. There is nothing wrong with that. Typically, it does not cause any fights, any jealous fits, and it annoys no one.


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