Fireflies are still magic and in particular they represent light in the darkness, answers. The world is dark and moving too fast. It's confusing and hard to keep up with solving all the problems that keep coming up. The wakeful world, the real world is stressful. He'd rather pursue his dreams but he keeps getting frustrated by reality "teardrops" "insomniac" "hanging by a thread".
I've been there. I know how one can be so tired of the stress but unable to fall asleep because the world can be so maddening. That's really what this song is about, being so tired of it all but not even being able to escape into a dream. The fireflies said goodbye. The magic is gone. The dreams are out of reach. But he's holding on to "several" in a jar just in case his dreams get "real bizarre" like a nightmare. His dreams are "bursting at the seems" meaning that his dreams motivate him and drive him to overcome the dark, fast world.
It's not dreams like one has when one is asleep. It's dreams like hopes and plans, desires for a better life. This song could have very many interpretations, it's ver versatile. I've always thought it was simply about a guy with insomia, but after reading some of the interpretations on here, it could definitely be about something else or something more deeper I think this song is meant to hold on to the memories that you have had in your childhood and move on because there will be more other great memories to come, but it is also to stay a kid as long as possible and enjoy while it last because that time only comes around in your life once and you can't go back.
So be truthful, kind, and fun. And if I was you I would grab a piece paper or a sticky note and right something positive that you would like to do in your childhood while it last. I believe the song is about death. The lightning bugs are a representation of the people who have died in the past and wants to believe the earth turns slowly so his life feels longer. He cant sleep because he has so little time to live his life.
This is about a guy with insomnia being unable to sleep. The creator of the song himself said it to be i belive. This song may be about insomnia. At one point, the song says something about dancing, like not being able to fall asleep, so they might as well get up and move around. When the song says, "I'd like to make myself believe that planet Earth turns slowly," it could be like wanting more time to be able to fall asleep.
Its about being christian. We are firefly's because we have a light of yeshua, and so we can "Light Up the dark sky". There's a line in the song that says that talks about firefly hugging and so that could be the comfort of faith. I think it's about an isane guy in an asylum that still sees himself as a child the 10 million fireflies are the stars and he's looking out the window at the stars dreaming about his childhood. And the hugs from 10, lightning bugs are the electric chair. Take every second and don't you dare get scared or give it back.
Like Megan, I am also a christian: And any of you who said hopes and beliefs don't matter, you're wrong. They are everything. If you give up hope for your future, that things will be better, you're probably gonna end up killing yourself. Being humans, we're not perfect and our lives aren't perfect, and if we don't hope they'll get better, they definitely won't. That would force you into depression, and eventually you couldn't take it anymore and you would give up your life.
Which leads us to the beliefs part. After you die, no matter what you believe, something happens. Like I believe in heaven. So if what I believe is true, and I'd never taken the time to believe it, I'd go to hell. And the same goes for whatever you people believe.
So never say it doesn't matter if you don't like lying And to auberginedreams09, I know that feeling, and it's the best thing I've ever experienced: musicisjoy on February 05, I like how these kids are posting essays on their religious views on a lyrics site. I could understand if this was a song about Jesus dying for your sins or something.. SadisticSpectre on June 09, Just letting you people know.
I completely agree. You know how when a spirit visits and they sometimes show up as fireflies light. No I'm not on drugs.. It's grieving, which is not a bad thing, it's healthy. My best friend died last year. This song beautifully explains a lot of the different processes of death. The foxtrot and sockhop: they still come and visit you sending hearts your way.
The insomnia comes from your stress seperately from loved spirital prescence, and wanting to fly in your dreams with that person in my interpretation. Not to commit suicide, but basically can't wait to meet them at the gates. The stars to you.. I'm guessing represents heaven. The world turning slowly, you want to make that person proud and live your life happily just as much as they want you to do also, but it's normal to be impatient and ambitious.
I can relate. The only thing about inner childhood from what others say is that damn music video The electronics in my book move themselves with spiritual energy. Maybe Owl City had a child who passed away? I haven't researched that, so it's just a hypothesis I very much agree with your comment about the song. If we could just please get back to interpreting this song that would be great.
Besides, it's a freaking song, just like rockandroll21 said. This song seems to be about dreaming and growing up. The singer talks about how he wishes he could stay a kid forever, and that time moves by too quickly. It's an especially good song for the singer since he has insomnia. Very nice song. General Comment it is rare that music is this purely happy and good it makes me feel like everything is going to be okay madgabb on July 16, Link.
I totally agree, but those jerks that don't like popular songs will ruin it for us. XeroForever on September 17, Don't let those jerks ruin it for you, listen to whatever the fuck you want.
Anson93 on December 27, I'm confused by XeroForever's comment It's this simple; I don't like untalented artists, therefore popular music is fine but most of the artists are horrible and their songs are not well thought out at all.
Its all for the cash and I don't like ungeniune music. Piznipy on February 19, Adam's songs all make me so happy, except for Vanilla Twilight it makes me feel a bit sad. But every time I listen to him sing- I just can't help but feel relaxed and like everything is just dandy.
He DOES have a gift, a special one. Song Meaning This isn't a song about insomnia. Quite the opposite. The songs meaning is about lucid dreaming or astral projection which is one in the same. For those that have never experienced it, it is absolutely wonderful. The song translates to exactly to what one experiences.
You see lights everywhere and yes they look like fireflies. The verse "It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep" Means that because the experience is so wonderful you want to be in that state all the time and stay asleep. I know this all sounds like BS, I would have said it a year ago myself. I'm a 41 yo construction worker that just recently started lucid dreaming, and it's changed my whole outlook on life.
Check out patch parables and expand your minds. And this song ended with "cause my dreams are bursting at the seas" reason being when you astral dream, i find myself flying touching the sea while going godspeed. So i do believe this song is explaining the wonders of astral dreaming. I looked it up on youtube and came across this, it also explains astral projection quite well :D youtube.
SGITU yea I see what you mean, but then how do you explain the 'cause everything is never as it seems' line? I think there's more to it than a song about lucid dreaming. I think there's also this idea that while you sleep, there might be incredible things happening around you.
I think the imagery of many fireflies doing their thing while you sleep might have some metaphorical meaning - perhaps that there are complexities in the world that we don't know. We can only imagine, or dream about them.
SoftMint on August 21, My Opinion i feel like this may also have a sadder mood to it. Lake on July 21, Link. I kinda interpreted the "stay awake" part as that he doesn't like to sleep, because when he wakes up he knows that everything good and magical that happened to him while he was asleep was all a dream, and it's hard to take that reality.
I totally agree with your idea EmilySophieRose on January 02, Song Meaning I think its about having a dream world, or an ideal world that one can escape to, maybe in a dream at night or in a daydream, but knowing that this fantasy isn't reality and that it won't ever be reality is heartbreaking. So as much as the speaker wants to live in that fantasy world, he or she cannot because they're stuck in reality.
AmoebaFlower on January 01, Link. No Replies Log in to reply. My Interpretation It's hard to say what Young meant outta this song, but this is what it means to me.
It's a song about how one night, when you're lying in bed and can't sleep, it hits you how fast time is moving and you reminisce about your childhood, teen years, dreams, etc. I saved a few and I keep them in a jar. Thanks for the post! MariahDawn on February 21, I was still living in New York at the time, and it because a tradition to visit my family out in Jersey every summer.
This particular summer, I met this girl. My brother, cousin, and I were sitting outside the pizzaria when I was talking to my cousin and I heard this girl start talking to my brother.
I turned in his direction and seen her give him a hug. When I looked at her, everything around me started spinning but in slow motion and my focus was all on her. From his child hood.
I'm sorry Harkas, but you're just as dead wrong about the meaning as cucca. An insomniac is a person who can't sleep and he says he feels like one.
Anyways, the meaning is that he doesn't really want to go to sleep, but he knows he needs to. When he talks about wanting the Earth to turn slowly, he has decided he wants to sleep and the Earth slowly turning would mean that he would be lulled to sleep. The same thing applies when he says "Take me away from here. Get a clue! Who knows the exact meaning of this song? But I do know I love it! How refreshing to turn on music and feel happy and driven to do good!
It's like going back to the innocent days of childhood and wanting to dance. Just because! Thanks to Owl City. Keep writing great songs and don't ever change!
Also, it's a treat to have music the whole family can listen to! I'd rather be awake when I'm asleep because I know everything will be different when tomorrow comes. The first time I heard this song, particular the chorus, I stopped in my tracks. And here's what I did; I just stood and stared into space, picturing fireflies and a world of wonder and imagination. I've been hooked on it ever since.
The song still gets me every time, whenever I play it, I just stop whatever I'm doing and stare and think and reflect and wonder. It's an amazing song with even more amazing lyrics. This song describes his desire to be able to stay in his dreams.
He wants for time to slow down, so he can savoir his time in the dreams. It's bad to avoid reality. We all know that. But even so we can't help but wish for a better place. And for him, that place is in his dreams.
If given a choice, he'd rather stay within his dreams. Adam randal young has insomnia. I think this song represents the fact that he is awake at night and he starts to think, think about things such as dreams and music.
I also think it represents how magical and how much the world can come alive at night and what we miss whilst we are sleeping. I only think this because I to, am an insomniac and that is what it means to me!
It shows that the earth has so many wonderful creatures and magical things. Sad to note that many people in the world don't value that. So don't hurt nature cause after some years we will loose these pretty creatures and only humans will be there everywhere and that will be so bad and boring too. Thank god there are still good songs alive like this one cause many songs nowadays don't have good meanings and wonderful stuffs like this.
Its a nice thought of fireflies. It is my favorite song I love it more than anything it makes me feel happy it is wonderful I sing it when I go on walks with my aunt and we both love it means something to me and I think it is a touching song and I love it.
And you guys are the best I love every note every key it is just my fav thanks for reading. I think that he is saying that he is finding day to day life and what's in store for him in the future to be unpleasant.
These fireflies are a metaphor to an ideal place, a place in his dreams, where for once the world is the way he wants or wishes it to be. You may think that solving a differential equation is easy until you actually do it. I believe the meaning of the song is deeper than what people believe.
The singer of this song has insomnia, a condition which makes it hard to fall asleep at night. He's constantly awake, and wishes he could fall asleep and dream. Since his insomnia is preventing him from dreaming, he used this song as an outlet to dream. The fireflies represent the dreams he fails to have. When he "gets misty eyes as they [say] farewell," he is sad he no longer is dreaming.
Keeping the fireflies in a jar represents a dream journal he may record his most memorable dreams in. His dreams are "bursting at the seams" because, as stated before, he has no creative outlet, such as a dream. So, he decided to write this song!
At the heart of this song there seems to be a yearning or a desire to escape back to childhood innocence. Upon first hearing the song, I was intrigued by the melody and simple lyrics; it wasn't until I actually questioned the artists intent that I began seeing the deeper meaning of adam young's lyrics. The song starts by telling us we would "not believe" our eyes, a statement that suggests the song will cover some sort of fantastic occurrence.
Then the song progresses into a dream like quality. The speaker actually speaks of fireflies as if they were surrounded by them, but I can't help believe the fireflies are supposed to stand for a specific event or situation. Hence the question: who would catch fireflies? The answer: innocent children. The song speaks about the innocence of youth and how quickly that innocence escapes us. The chorus says "i'd like to make myself believe" suggesting a desire of something that can not be completely accomplished.
The speaker wants to believe earth moves slowly; if he can't believe that simple statement, it must mean the opposite is true--planet earth spins much too fast.
In other words, time passes by much too quickly. The speaker then talks about the desire to remain to remain in that dream trance instead of waking up to reality, because within that dream trance is the innocence of youth. An innocence and naivety that allows a simple act--catching fireflies--to become a magical excursion into a wonderland of possibility and adventure. The point of the song seems to speak about the need to hold onto and embrace maybe even slip back into our child hood innocence so the reality of growing up does not completely take away the magic and joy the world has to offer.
Simply put: we are all forced to give up our childhood too soon. We need more fireflies and rooms full of toys video to keep our lives simple and innocent. You want to watch the fireflies as they light the sky, but you are sleeping. You want to wake up.
Then, you just dream fireflies. You wke up and try to sleep again to see the fireflies, but you can't. They say goodbye to you. You will soon fall asleep, but you keep a few in a jar to wake up if you have weird dreams. You can't say what is dream and what is real, but everything is beautiful, with the fireflies that light the world.
It means time is running and we can't turn it back saving the few iremembrance is the best way to remember it. Also it means life is to short nobody stay's forever everybody says goodbye. It means time is running and we can't to it back saving the few is remembrance is the best way to remember it. This song brings back a thousand memories an can be related to by anyone. It reminds me of being a little kid and actually catching lightning bugs with my friends in the neighborhood and it most reminds me of my father that I lost a couple years ago after a battle with cancer.
When I have amazing dreams about him as a child and as my best friend I want to cry when I wake up. I love my dreams for every moment that I get to spend with him again.
It is saying hold onto your memories and imagine the unthinkable in your dreams you can never tell whats real or not until you wake up he is describing a land where nothing makes sense and is all magical a land he doesn't want to leave but has to get back to reality because he can't stay there forever but will hold the memories in his head forever 'cause I saved a few I keep them in a jar' I love the meaning of the song and I love the song soo much even though its like 5 years or so old x.
This song is so awesome and naomi I can relate to you kinda I was in fourth grade in fifth now but one of the teachers in fifth grade past away we gathered around our track and let go of a million balloons in memory of her. Her kids in her class kept on expecting her to come back. Now I think of her as a bright firefly flying around.
The fireflies are memories. That's why he saves them in a jar and that's why it hurts to let them go. But they stay in his dreams nevertheless. Although some of the memories are happy, some are sad and awful so it makes him tired throughout the day and he does not want to go back to sleep or he has trouble falling asleep anyway.
This is my random meaning of this song. I could be totally wrong. Fireflies light up my world. Adam young is one of the best artists that I know and I love watching his concerts and listening to his songs. Cuz when I do I feel so, alive.
He inspires me with his songs and I believe that dreams don't turn to dust. I will never forget my first concert owl city here in manila.
Everytime I pass the tent I remember where I first fell in love with him and his songs. You just have to look around at the fireflies : lovely song. Haha, oh and he's am"you would not believe your eyes, if skittles were in the sky. Lit up the world as I fell asleep.
You'd think me rude but I would just stand and. I'd like to make myself believe, that skittles ha-a-a-d no gre-. It's hard to say that I'd rather eat a blue one than a green, 'cause everything is never as it se-e-e-ms when I'm drea-.
I am so creative at times! Azing live. I think what he is trying to say is that he needs someone to talk to and the fireflies are the ones who listen to him but he feels alone when they're gone because he thinks he'll never see them again.
I actually think that this is a song about friendship or the people you love. You can see hundreds and thousands of them, but even if you want them to stay forever they won't. We want to cling to the past but we have to 'sleep' because we need to prepare for the future and when we wake up they would be gone. But there are a few that we can keep forever and ever. So we keep them in a 'jar'. We want to make time move slower, but we can't. Oh I finally got what they mean by this song!
They're trying to say there's so much going on when you're sleeping, so live every day as if it were your last. Live life to the fullest, you wouldn't want to miss out on a single second. When they say "cause i feel like such an insomniac", I had no clue what they were saying before I read this, so I assumed they just said "cause I feel like.
Such on is on the act", because that's what it sounds like. Now I really feel like an insomniac! He can not fall asleep because he misses his girl. He is in another world with fireflies. He is happy there. As they leave him, he feels the same way he did when his girl left him. Empty inside. To keep a bit of his happiness with him, he catches a few fireflies.
He loves his girl a lot, but is only happy in his fantasy world. Not reality. This song is beautiful and also sad in a way. It reminds us all that we can't always hold on, but it's enough just to have an experience of true happiness and even better to hold on to just a piece of that joy. What this song means to me is that it's the story of a person in where his life isn't all that great: the fireflies cry, probably for the person.
He wants to believe that the earth turns slowly: to be awake and part of the real world, but for him sleeping and dreaming is better. That dreaming is better because it's more interesting due to how unpredictable it all is. Since the fireflies likely represent his dreams and imagination they are something he wishes to embrace, but when he has to wake up he has to leave them and that's distressing; so he keeps some with him throughout the day to daydream with. This song has more than one meaning.
The first meaning is about sleeping as the rest of the world is awake. The second is talking about why it is hard to fall asleep in the general sense, as they compare it to counting sheep. Another meaning could mean that every little firefly is a shimmering light in the night sky, and if you're not careful, it will disappear.
Which leads to the fourth meaning of taking advantage of whats right in front of you, before it disappears. It's a rarity for one song to have different meanings and the fourth meaning is my favorite. The world changed now and it seem moving much faster than it used to be. He even couldn't sleep to miss the fun! The music video expresses the song more than the lyrics because the lyrics is hard to read.
It shows that he likes to have friends, toys and joyful time! You no what ginger rogers whatever name that is shut the heck up and if you don't like this song why are you even leaving a coment for it and I bet you are 12 this song is great if you don't like this song than you have bad taste I love owl city oh and I forgot one thing to say get a life "ginger rogers" why search the song if you don't like it just stay away from it like whatever said your just think your so cool.
Gingerrogers don't you have anything better to do? To all of you loserz who think it sucks why'd you search it in the first place?