Old Faithful Geyser Yellowstone varies in the height of eruptions anywhere from to feet, averaging about or feet.
How long does the eruption last? The eruptions usually last between one and a half minutes to five minutes. How many gallons of water shoot out during one eruption? The estimates are about 3, gallons for a short eruption of about one and a half minutes, and 8, gallons for one of four and a half minutes. The water during an eruption has been measured at degrees F and the steam at over degrees F. Biking Tours. To view one of the 18 to 21 shows Old Faithful puts on each day, many visitors opt to watch from benches located about feet away from the geyser's spout.
Other visitors enjoy watching the eruption from a higher vantage point after a hike up to Observation Point. From here, visitors can take in the geyser from feet above - providing visitors with a new perspective of this Yellowstone icon. They were impressed by its size and frequency.
Its maximum height ranges from 90 to feet. It is not the biggest or the most regular geyser in Yellowstone but it is the biggest regular geyser. Furthermore, it has been erupting in nearly the same fashion throughout the recorded history of the park. Through the years, it has become one of the most studied geysers. One result of this close observation is that the Park Rangers are able to predict its eruptions fairly accurately.
This makes Old Faithful geyser one of the easiest geysers in Yellowstone to see. Old Faithful is deceiving. The benches around the geyser are over feet from the geyser but with nothing to judge the distance by, I rarely realize just how big the geyser is until I get further away. Personally, I like the view from Geyser Hill. As with any geyser, watch the wind direction or you may only see steam. Old Faithful plays on the hour every hour This legend dates back to the early history of Yellowstone Park.
Old Faithful has never played every hour on the hour. It is just as likely to play on the hour as it to play 17 minutes after the hour or 23 minutes after the hour or ……. You might see one interval of 60 minutes but it is very unlikely that you will see two in a row. No geyser, including Old Faithful, plays at set times and intervals.
There is always some variation. People expecting an hourly eruption are often surprised when they have to wait through a 90 minute to 2 hour interval.