Why vegetarians don eat garlic

Online, some vegans try to force-sell their beliefs on veganism, but they forgot that every vegetarians are already doing their part for animals, humanity and planet and this is commendable and enough to deserve respect as compared to people who could not give up meat.

Let's respect, love and embrace one another instead of comparing and judging. Many vegetarians are well-aware of the diary farm cruelty, it could be due to various reasons like social, family or whatsoever that they choose not to forgo diary milk or cheese. It's their lives and their choices. It is perfectly fine to share information and videos of diary farm cruelty industry, but refrain from making harsh comments on vegetarians who take diary, especially in a vegetarian not vegan group.

No matter what, these vegetarians are humane enough not to kill and eat meat just to satisfy their tongue. Vegetarianism are adopted for different reasons. People always ask if I can eat this and that, my answer is often: "I can eat anything but I choose not to eat certain things". Like most people, I am a vegetarian because I choose to, for health, animals, humanity and environment.

In Asia, when you tell people you are a vegetarian, Because Buddhism and Hinduism are common here. In Asia, many do it for religion e. Buddhism and Hinduism. For Buddhist Vegetarians , different Buddhist traditions have different teachings on diet, some eat eggs, some do not. Most take diary products but do not take vegetables in the allium family i.

Some Hindu Vegetarians take eggs, some do not. Most take dairy products and vegetables in the allium family. In Asia, if you are a Chinese vegetarians, you are mostly automatically assumed to be Buddhist vegetarian who cannot take garlic, onion etc.

They often comment that this certain dish contains garlic and onion thus it is not vegetarian, but egg is vegetarian to some of them. Garlic and onions just happen to be one of them. The only universal thing is a strong preference for veganism , vegetarianism, and Lacto-vegetarianism, and even then those are not as strictly enforced as the ban of consumption of pork in Islam or Judaism.

In any case, all other specific beliefs about food in Buddhism have more to do with a specific region and local heritage, then it has with Buddhism as a whole. Some Buddhists both monks, Lamas, and regular practitioners avoid any member of the onion Allium family because they believe that they hinder meditation.

This means no garlic, onions, leeks, shallots, etc. In most cases, this belief has nothing to do with the supernatural or spiritual capabilities of these veggies, but their ability to cause intestinal disturbances and gas. Of course, there are also those who hold other beliefs. For example, some consider garlic to be a stimulant and even an intoxicant , in religion when everything that can cause intoxication is considered to be very bad.

There are also some folk beliefs that onions make you stupid and that have managed to stick around amongst some groups even today. Specifically, the treatise recounts a story of the deity Vishnu severing the head of the lord of the demons. By this tradition, garlic derived from an enemy of the gods and thus was evil. One reads of Kumarajiva A. Additionally, I am part of a very legitimate Chinese buddhist community and in our temple we have no problem with ginger.

But I never delved into why. World Pureland Sites. Understanding Buddhism. The Artful Buddhist Teaching. Etiquette in Practising Buddhism. Education - the Cultivation of Wisdom. Sayings of Master Chin Kung. Moving out to the Community. Recommended Readings. Printable Why do some Buddhists exclude the five pungent vegetables from their diet? Where to start? Can we create our destiny? Can disasters be avoided? Is there cause and effect, or rather, can we escape what we sow? How to bring up intelligent, filial, and upright children?

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