While Tim didn't know much about stones, it looked like one of the hard ones that smooshed people. Meanwhile, all other patrons were now cowering under the tables. Curious at the bartenders statement Tim goes to retrieve his mace, the gnoll having eluded his apology hug, maybe gnolls didn't like hugs, and went to have a look at the mug. A half minute later, after some serious Tim thinking, his brow wrinkled in concentration, he looks up at the bartender, "Tim's head to big" he said proudly knocking on his skull with his fist.
Hungry and wondering where his chicken was Tim wondered back to the talking flame and tried to hide behind her.
Grabbing one of his remaining chickens from his backpack he attempted, rather poorly, to hide his barbecue from her. Dec 5th, , AM. Domnitra took this time to realize that in all actuality this was probably the best place to stop for the minute.
Unlike her previous thoughts where she was afraid of all the violent type, whereas if they were in a more reformed joint they would have probably called the authorities on her and the others. Turning around she looks at Tim and snatches his chicken away taking a modest size of meat from the bone then handing it back to him a little more charred. Also refraining from asking the barkeep if there was any food in the mug he was threatening Time with, She looks at Tim, "Well, that was smooth.
Here stay and I'll go arrange the food. Oh, Mr. Barkeep I'm am absolutely smothered and am I need of dire rekindlement.
So what is good on the menu for today. I'm thinking Fire Bird eggs would be the marvel right now but what ya gots?
Last edited by paiute; Dec 7th, at PM. All times are GMT The time now is PM. Skin by Birched , making use of original art by paiute. Template-Modifications by TMB. RPG Crossing Home. User Name. Remember Me? Page 9 of Thread Tools. Tools Profile Send PM. It be along time since someone had told him to do and he missed it.
The talking chicken had been the last one and that had been months ago. Tim missed Lord Stoll. He had always kept Tim busy with tasks to do. Grabbing either end of the table he heaves upwards with all his might, arms bulging with muscles and a full chicken still partial sticking out from his mouth , attempting to do the task assigned to him by the talking flame.
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