If you find that your car is suffering a loss of power then this may be a sign that your exhaust is leaking. You may notice unusual vibrations when you touch your steering wheel, foot pedals or car seat when you have an exhaust leak. It could also be a sign of a hole in your exhaust or that the exhaust system is disconnected. What's more, vibrations could be a sign of a problem with your engine and suggest that it is no longer running at optimum performance.
Your fuel gauge - and how quickly it goes down - could be a good indicator of the condition that your exhaust is in. If you find that you need to fill up on petrol or diesel more often than usual then this could be a sign that there is a problem with your exhaust, or certainly some kind of issue with your car. Exhaust leaks mean that your engine needs to work harder and this will then mean that you need to use more fuel.
Should your car suffer a mechanical failure Start Rescue have you covered with affordable and reliable breakdown cover. We use cookies on our website. To find out more and manage your cookie preferences with us please view our cookies policy. Request Callback. UK and European vehicle breakdown recovery. The signs and dangers of a faulty exhaust Monday, 23 November , Most small cracks and leaks can be plugged with a product like Gun Gum Paste before they get worse, however, if you leave it too long it will grow to become an un-repairable hole, leaving you with no choice but to have the part replaced — and setting you back much more than you bargained for!
Holts Gun Gum is a DIY exhaust repair system which can be used to seal holes and cracks in a faulty exhaust system. Gun Gum Paste can be applied simply with either your fingers be sure to wear protective gloves or a spatula, and dries hard either overnight or more quickly if you run the engine to heat the exhaust — creating an effective airtight seal that lasts.
For more information on Gun Gum, as well as our other innovative DIY car care products, visit the Holts homepage today. Reduced Fuel Economy and Higher Emissions Exhausts are designed to channel fumes away from the front of the car and reduce engine noise, whilst maintaining fuel efficiency. Damage to Other Car Parts Over time, the fumes leaking from a cracked exhaust pipe will damage surrounding components, and could even cause a fire.
There are pulses of high and low-pressure air that forms when the engine valve repeatedly opens and closes. This compressed-air travels through the muffler, which ultimately will lower the noise of the running engine.
For example, think about noise-canceling headphones. This muffler was created for the same type of concept.
The exhaust gas enters the muffler through a chamber and is sent down a long tube. The tubes will create a sound wave that is opposite to the frequency created by the engine. This process ends up canceling the sound before the sounds are released through the actual muffler. If you did not have a muffler, you would hear the original noises your engine makes and everyone would know when you are coming down the road.
The engine is very loud without a muffler. Always listen to your car. If you hear your car making loud noises, there could be something wrong. You may have an issue with the muffler located in the back of your car. There are a few simple signs that you should look out for when it comes to mufflers blowing out. You should always be aware of any noises your car is making and then determine where the root problem is. The longer you wait to diagnose the problem, the more costly things will be for you in the future.
Always replace your muffler as soon as you know there is a problem with it. Mufflers are typically covered under new vehicle warranties, and may be covered up to 50,, miles or more, so if the car is relatively new, check before getting any work done. Most do-it-yourselfers can do a few basic muffler repairs[ 2 ] , but muffler replacement requires stronger mechanical skills.
A how-to video[ 3 ] demonstrates what is involved. Shopping for a muffler:. Both the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence[ 4 ] and the International Automotive Technicians Network[ 5 ] provide a searchable directory of repair shops. Muffler replacement is not offered at all auto repair shops.
Look for shops that offer "exhaust system" work. Consumer Reports lists tips for finding a good mechanic[ 6 ]. Comments CostHelper News. Periodic exercise can extend the usable life of many items. Posted October 14 Posted November 19 Muffler Welded. Posted by: [email protected] in Bronx, NY. Was this post helpful to you? Report prohibited or spam. Muffler replacement Honda Civic. New exhaust system behind catalytic converter.
Two mufflers suppose to be life time warranty. Fixing muffler. Exshust system. New Muffler. Roller Coaster ride of prices. Muffler Assembly from Resonators to the back. Exhaust Repair. Exhausted from muffler master whipping. Muffler and exhaust replaced. Told I needed a muffler and exhaust replacement.
Complete exhaust. Broken joint between midpipe and muffler. Muffler Replacement plus a bit more. Replaced rusted Muffler. Muffler Replaced. Muffler Replacement. Wish I'd checked this site before having work done. Car Make:. Auto Shop:. This is the name we'll display with your post. Remember me on this computer. Search Thousands of Topics on CostHelper. Today's Featured Cost Articles.