Remember, you must use the same Steam account that contains the game you wish to reinstall. You will also need an active internet connection to re-download and reinstall the games.
The game will re-download and reinstall within Steam. You can watch the download progress, pause the download, or cancel the download and reinstallation of the game if desired for whatever reason too. This is also how you reinstall a Steam game onto a new computer. Regardless of the platform, the re-installation of the game s are the same. Obviously this tutorial is using a Mac but the Steam client is the same on all supported platforms.
Get more of our great Apple tips, tricks, and important news delivered to your inbox with the OSXDaily newsletter. Yes, you have to use the account that the game has been registered on. It's in the library "permanently", so you can download it anytime, as often as you want. Its not there and I don't own anyother steam accounts. That's what they all say, until they remember "Oh yeah I had that other account a few years ago that I forgot about.
Well I am going to also say I formatted my computer and lost everything. Seretti View Profile View Posts. You're logged into the wrong account. I am not logged into the wrong account I only have one account and the user name I am useing I have used for a very long time. I am talking about the bio chock bundle bioshock1 Purchased games do not disappear. If it's not on this account, it is in your other account.
Last edited by spoof ; 1 Jan, am. Actually, I can't find even find my library. Social Media. More Button Icon Circle with three vertical dots. It indicates a way to see more nav menu items inside the site menu by triggering the side menu to open and close. Taylor Lyles. You can uninstall Steam games right from your Steam Library or the game's landing page, and reinstall them again later. Once you uninstall a Steam game, it won't be playable until you reinstall it.
Some games, especially if they're new, take up a tremendous amount of space on your computer — uninstalling a game will free up that space. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
Taylor Lyles is a freelance writer for Business Insider. Insider Inc. Additional comments. Email optional. Receive a selection of our best stories daily based on your reading preferences.