Can you shower on bed rest

Can I reach for things or do I have to use a reaching device? Under what circumstances if any can I continue to work? Can I continue to do housework? If so, how much and what types? Should I stop driving? Should I abstain from or limit sex? If so, what are the limits? Can I take a shower or bath, or do I have to take a sponge bath in bed?

Can I get out of bed to wash my hair? Hospital bed rest is required if you require medical treatment or monitoring, are attempting to stall labour, or have experienced Pre-term Premature Rupture Of Membrane PPROM which is a loss of amniotic fluid and places you and your baby at risk of infection. Partial bed rest usually requires you to finish working, driving and completing household chores yay!

Partial bed rest allows you some time on your feet during the day to complete essential tasks i. Exercise, stair climbing, lengthy trips outside your house are the types of activities which you will likely be asked to avoid.

The types of questions you may want to consider asking are:. Scheduled resting is when your medical practitioner requests you spend a certain amount of time each day resting, with as minimal interruptions to this rest as possible.

It is hoped this type of resting will prevent partial or full bed rest. It may require you to limit your work day and or rest for set hours each day. It is widely accepted that bed rest can significantly lengthen pregnancy, which is why this age old practice continues today. It is important not to underestimate the benefits of bed rest, and follow the bed rest set out by the medical practitioner.

Bed rest can be very challenging as the demands or everyday life tempt you out of bed, but it is important once you have accepted this advice to make the most of this time. Women with pregnancy conditions related to high blood pressure may be placed on bed rest to decrease stress, both physical and emotional, with the hope of lowering their blood pressure.

Vaginal bleeding can be aggravated by activity, lifting, or exercise, so bed rest also might be used to reduce bleeding. Women having premature labor and contractions also may be restricted because activity and stress can aggravate these conditions. The length of time you are on bed rest has a variety of implications, including how long you will experience this change in routine, whether you can remain at work and the subsequent financial impacts this may have, adjustment for other family members and the additional pressure this may place on your partner and other family members.

Significantly if you have other children you may be faced with relying on others to provide care to them, and in the case of hospitalisation seeing them for considerably less time as is dictated by hospital visiting hours, and the amount of time they will tolerate visiting you in hospital. It is important to remember during these stressful times full of changes in routine and adjustment to the roles within the family that it is not forever, an end is in sight hopefully as you reach full term in your pregnancy.

Children will respond to your reduced lack of activity in a variety of ways depending on 'package' of bed rest and their age and stage of development.

Chances are these changes may happen all of a sudden and give you very little time to assist with their adjustment to the new routine and roles within the family. Try to explain the situation to them in a way they understand if you can. It is not uncommon with small children to see changes in their behavior including becoming quiet and perhaps a little withdrawn, tantrums, refusal to move through their routine, mimicking your symptoms ie they have a sore tummy too.

Some children may regress in their behaviour, for example, toilet training may stall or regress. Here is a list of pregnancy complications that may lead to bed rest: High blood pressure , such as preeclampsia or eclampsia Cervical changes, such as the incompetent cervix or cervical effacement Vaginal bleeding Premature labor Multiples History of pregnancy loss , stillbirth , or premature birth Poor fetal development Gestational diabetes Placenta complications, such as placental abruption , placenta previa , and placenta accreta How will bed rest help?

What is the best position for bed rest? How can I deal with bed rest discomforts? Below are common exercises that may be used: Squeezing stress balls Pressing your hands and feet against the bed Turning your arms and feet in circles Tensing or tightening your arm and leg muscles Avoid using your abdominal muscles when you are stretching or exercising.

Here is a list of activities to discuss with your health care provider: Cooking Light chores Walking Bath or shower Driving Exercise Sexual intercourse If your bed rest occurs for a long period of time, it is important to discuss exercises or activities that you are allowed to do to keep your blood circulating.

How can I make the best of bed rest? There are a number of activities you can engage in to make your bed rest a more positive experience: Start a journal : Putting your thoughts to paper can be therapeutic and imagine sharing what you were thinking and going through with your LO one day. Whether you share with them or keep it as a private journal, these days and weeks will go by faster than you think.

It can be fun to look back and remember how far you have come. Create a vision board and set life goals : I am sure you have heard about the power of attraction. Whether you believe it is true or not, it is always a great idea to make goals, so you can achieve them. Anything is possible.

Why not reach for the stars? Set reachable short term goals that align with extraordinary long-term goals. A vision board is perfect for creating what you want your life to look like. Pick out how much you want to make, what you want your career to be, what car you want to drive and what you want your house to look like. These are a few examples.

Really you can have anything on your vision board, look at it daily and imagine what it feels like to already have these things. Be happy and positive. Stay focused and see how many things come true that you put your mind to. To name just a few, really it is up to you what you create and Pin. Start a blog : A blog should reflect your interests so you never run out of things to write about. Who knows you could end up starting your own business or join the large and highly paid mommy blogger universe.

Bedrest may also make your muscles weak. Ask your doctor if there are some leg and arm exercises you can do. The stronger your body, the more energy and strength you will have for labour and to care for your new baby. It is normal to have a hard time adjusting to life on bedrest. But if you feel depressed or sad for a few weeks, talk to your doctor.

You may need treatment for depression. Keep your body as comfortable as possible. See this time as an opportunity. Do things that can be hard to find time to do. Use this time to get ready for the arrival of your baby. Author: Healthwise Staff.

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