Not sure what your GRE score means? It can be hard to tell whether a or a or a is a high score or a low one. What score should be aiming for and how should you set a score goal based on the programs you are interested in? Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning are both multiple choice and are both scored from in one-point increments. This means that there are 41 possible scores.
However, Analytical Writing, the essay section, is scored from in half-point increments. So there are 13 possible scores on that section, and the score range is So why ?
In making the new score scale from , ETS accomplished a couple of things:. But what do the different scores in that range actually mean? Quick side note: we've created the world's leading online GRE prep program that adapts to you and your strengths and weaknesses. Not sure what to study?
Confused by how to improve your score? We give you minute by minute guide. But we believe PrepScholar is the best GRE prep program available right now , especially if you find it hard to organize your study schedule and don't know what to study.
Click here to learn how you can improve your GRE score by 7 points, guaranteed. Then, moving outward from the center, fewer students would score around the extreme ends of the scale.
Based on data from test-takers from July June , the average GRE score on the verbal section is , and the average quantitative score is A percentile is the percent of test-takers that scored below the given score, so higher your percentile score, the better you did. For Analytical Writing, the average score is 3. So how many students score at the extreme ends of the scale? We can figure this out based on the GRE percentile chart.
On Verbal, one percent of students score from , and one percent score from Between July and June , over 1. So about 17, students in that time scored between on Verbal and another 17, scored from This means that fewer than 17, students actually scored at each of the most extreme ends of the scale, and On Quant, one percent of students score from , and three percent score So between July and June , about 17, students scored between , and about 51, scored a On Analytical Writing, one percent of students about 17, from July June scored a 6.
ETS also provides discipline-specific data on how many students score at the extreme ends of the scale. In all disciplines the number of students scoring at extreme ends of the scale is very low. On the Verbal section, 0. On Quant, the numbers of perfect scores range from.
On the low end, no discipline had more than 4. And again, this is all scores from , not just the scores at the very bottom of the scale. In sum, scores at the very low end and the very high end of the scale are generally rare, though there is some variation between disciplines. The score percentile tables in the previous section apply to test-takers going into all programs and disciplines.
But, as mentioned previously, students intending on going into different graduate courses of study have different score distributions. Below is a chart with the average GRE scores for test-takers going into specific disciplines.
Verbal Reasoning: , in 1-point increments 2. Quantitative Reasoning: , in 1-point increments 3. Analytical Writing: , in half-point increments. You can take the General test once every 21 days, up to five times within any continuous month period.
If you have taken GRE numerous times, you have the freedom to select the scores that you want to send to institutions. On the test day, you can send four free score reports to the institutions of your choice. The ScoreSelect option allows you to select a score from all the GRE tests taken in the last five years. This is applicable for both General and subject test. If you are not able to take the GRE on the test day you will forfeit your test fee.
Also, institutions will not receive any information about your absence or about any previous scores you may have on your account. The score report sent to the institution will not include any information concerning the other score recipients you have chosen. After you receive an email notification from ETS, you can view your score online.
GRE general test scores are generally reported between days, whereas GRE subject test scores take approx. About Us. What our students say. Toggle navigation. Lekhika Dhariyal. Published Jan 20, Here is the outline of the article:. How to analyze your performance based on GRE Scores? Get free prep resources. Start your free trial. What is a Good GRE score out of ?
What is the total GRE score? What scores are reported on the GRE? Can I take the GRE multiple times? What if I am not able to take the GRE on the test day? Will the receipts of my GRE scores get to know about the other score recipients? Can I view GRE scores online? People who read this article also read A Few Related Posts:. Let's discuss further - What's your take? Cancel reply. Feel free to ask any Query.
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