Mine has does that mean mine is better, lol. No, my other one has more, because of it having larger print. I own KJV and still everything written is a promise. I think Bible is the most important book in the world. If you want to know your real year of born,then the Bible has 66 books subtract your age from it and then add 50 to it and you will get your real year of born. This makes absolutely no sense at all. And what does this have to do with the number of pages in the Bible?
There is no ending to ready the Bible. Praise the Lord. If you want to know the year you were born, look at your birth certificate. That has nothing to do with the bible. Get a grip and a life. But using just one source, I believe, is the worst way to find true and useful answers. God is not even an answer, but a ridicules excuse. Morten, Lord of the Rings is a novel written by JRR Tolkien, and therefore has no real history except to support the fiction.
Tolkien was also a committed Christian and has admitted integrating many Christian themes into his work. Perhaps you too, would want to investigate thoroughly before completely wasting your opportunity during this life to know the truth.
If I am wrong about my faith, what is my cost? If you are wrong, you spend eternity regretting you did not make a wise choice while on earth. Can you afford to make a mistake on this? Are going to gamble with this, without doing some kind of due diligence. Lewis, a math scholar did, trying to prove it wrong, and in the end made a choice to believe. I was deeply saddened and disturbed to read of your lack of faith and atheism mentality.
I have this thought to share with you. I challenge you to read the new testament completely. Troupes have been taken from other stories such as the immaculate conception, the resurrection, the death for atonement.
Weak coward. If you are wrong, you wasted your only years of existence hoping for an afterlife instead of truly living now in the present. Wasted, how? Do you go exploring nature? I do the same. Do you drive cars? Do you have fun? Do you have a family? Do you visit exotic places? Do you enjoy the night sky? Do you love? Do you… etc. I enjoy this life. What is this claim of yours? Your sentence only shows me how wrong you see God and Christians.
The historical account of the jews is disputable and scholars have gone as far as to argue that they were actually natives of Canaan. Its only ridicules in this world. Wait, is there another world? Ask the man, found in the book of Luke, how ridicules this excuse is.
He wanted Abraham to send someone to warn his brothers not to come to this other world, where the spirit lives on. Spirits of whom? The people who think God is an excuse. Oh, by the way, the man has been wanting some water for at least years. He probably thought God was an excuse too.
Your answer is the redicules. God is not the author of confusion, He Almighty will never give wrong information, will not change his mind, will not lie. You neglect to split the page count into Old and New Testaments, which is a pretty huge omission after all of those stats.
The answer to my question was not a good question. The number of pages in the KJV Bible is dependent on the size of the bible and the size of print. Several answers were Sola scriptura is the most accurate account of Biblical information. I pray that the Holy Spirit will visit with You Morton and change Your mind before You pass from this life into the eternal life.
There is a life after this life. Pastor Paul Sims , Alabama. Either way we all need to do as God commanded us to do and be Holy people. Please log in again. The login page will open in a new tab.
After logging in you can close it and return to this page. What books of the bible have been included? The format of the bible Bibles with no pages are more common than you think. The specific version of the bible Certain languages and translations will also impact on how many pages there are in the bible. On average, how many pages are in the bible?
If you took a run of the mill, everyday bible, and you managed to count all the pages, you would have the following: The Old Testament has chapters. In turn, you have to be on that same morally demented road to defend her: 24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.
Do not wrong me by calling me a hater. So you agree that women are property? That people can be enslaved? The bible gets updates now and then so u should get the new version and u ll be fine.. My bible has which obviously makes it way better than your noob bible. This gives a total of 31, verses, which is an average of And, talking about Psalm , did you know it is an acrostic Psalm with 22 sections with eight lines.
Each of the eight lines in each section starts with a Hebrew letter in the alphabet. The entire Hebrew alphabet outlines the chapter. An acrostic is a poem, word puzzle, or other composition in which certain letters in each line form a word or words. In this case, of course, it is the first letter of each line.
Miscellaneous Resources. All Rights Reserved. The most succinct answer to that question is: it depends. What does it depend upon? This article will answer that question and hopefully provide additional information on the reasons why bibles differ in length. To begin, the bible is not composed the same way for everyone.
Different faith traditions can and do use different versions of the bible. This practice of different bible versions has gone on for many centuries, even as far back as the 3rd century CE. An early Christian named Marcion began a branch of Christianity that used a version of the bible that excised all of the Old Testament and much of the New Testament.
Eventually, Marcion was excommunicated and his version of Christianity was branded heretical. Thomas Jefferson put together a version of the bible. His bible only contained portions of the New Testament and, like Marcion, removed any reference to religious violence. With the added apocryphal books, a reader can expect approximately 1, pages which will take about 50 hours to read. If someone is Catholic, the bible to be used will include the books of the Old Testament, the books of the New Testament, as well as several books defined as Apocrypha.
Some of these apocryphal texts are allegorical in nature, while others are more historical nature. Additionally, there are different translations available of the Catholic canon. The Protestant canon of scripture contains approximately 1, pages which will take about 30 hours to read. The Protestant denominations use a different version of the bible.
Protestant faiths generally use a version of the bible that does not have the Apocryphal books. This version of the bible is read in many translations. Other translations appear, as well.