How can i be attractive to guys

In one specifically interesting study, researchers found that men who let a smile spread across their faces slowly were seen as more attractive and more trustworthy than men who get too smiley too fast.

The researchers are comparing this to the Goldilocks principle: Some muscle is hot, but too much is definitely not. It needs to be juuust right. Some musical instruments automatically make you hotter. A tambourine? Not so much. A kazoo? Definitely not. But guitars? Hell yeah. A study published in the journal Psychology of Music revealed that women are more than three times more likely to give their number to a man holding a guitar than to one holding a sports bag.

Sure, going to the gym and getting toned and sexy is attractive, but apparently not as much as playing a guitar. The more you know! If you want to be an attractive man, do not use cheesy pickup lines. I repeat: do not use pickup lines. According to a study from SUNY-New Paltz, women are seriously more likely to be attracted to a man if he approaches her normally — sans corny pickup lines.

Listen, everyone knows dogs are insanely cute. Follow this up with a good moisturizer that contains an SPF. When you get out of the shower, apply a body moisturizer to keep all of your skin feeling smooth and soft.

Have a great smile. Smooth, full lips and straight, white teeth are commonly quoted as being key attractors for men and women. Drink enough water and regularly moisturize your lips to keep them smooth, and regularly brush your teeth.

Straight, white teeth are a sign of good genetics and on a primal level attract men. If your teeth are healthy but just a bit stained, clean them up with a whitening toothpaste, or consult your doctor about a whitening treatment. Take good care of your hair. Studies have shown that long, full, shiny hair is most attractive to men as it signifies health and fertility. On average, men rate women with long hair as more attractive than those with short hair, even if they have the same facial features.

Above all else, you need to feel good about how you look. If you do want to experiment with longer hair, consider trying clip-in hair extensions, which can be purchased at salons and beauty supply shops. If your hair is very short, you might try a wig instead. Avoid dyeing, straightening, or otherwise over-processing your hair, as frizzy, damaged hair is unattractive.

Part 4. Hang out in places where you tend to have a lot of fun. These are the spots where you feel the most carefree, relaxed, and happy, making you look and feel more attractive. For example, if you love playing softball, join a co-ed softball team. Make eye contact. This is possibly the most effective flirting technique there is. Making eye contact projects confidence, show's you're interested, and makes people weak in the knees. A common practice is to look into his eyes and then smile briefly before looking away.

Once in a while, hold his eyes just a little longer than normal to suggest that something deeper is going on. Don't linger for too long, or it could get intense and weird. Keep things subtle in the beginning. Research has shown that happy women, particularly smiling ones, are generally more attractive to men.

National Institutes of Health Go to source Make sure your smile is sincere, engaging your eyes and not just your mouth, which can come off as looking fake. Laugh if he says something you think is funny, but make sure it's not forced. A very powerful flirtation technique is to smile and make eye contact at the same time. Start a conversation. You don't have to wait for him to do the talking. If you're interested in someone, introduce yourself and strike up a friendly conversation so you can get to know each other a bit.

Be sure to keep things light-hearted. As you converse, see if you can gauge his interest. If he returns eye contact, asks you questions and seems engaged, keep up the conversation and see where things go. Just tell him it was nice to meet him, politely excuse yourself, and start talking with a friend or someone else.

Compliment him. Take the conversation to the next level. If the conversation goes really well, and it seems like he's reciprocating, you can ask for his number. You don't have to wait for him to make the first move. Schedule the date for a few days later so you both have some time to think about it and get ready.

If you're not quite ready to go on the date, you could just get his number or give him yours. Mirror his body language. Mirroring his actions sends a subconscious message that you like him, and it will make him more likely to like you back. Make sure it looks unintentional. Did you know you can get expert answers for this article?

Unlock expert answers by supporting wikiHow. Support wikiHow by unlocking this expert answer. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 7. Not Helpful 1 Helpful I really like this boy, but I am too unattractive for him to like me.

I'm very sociable and fun around most people, but I don't sit with him in school, so would it seem weird to start a conversation?

Not at all! Don't put yourself down. For many guys, personality is much more important than looks anyway. Just walk up and say "Hi, how's it going. I'm sure he won't think you're weird. Not Helpful 9 Helpful Scars are a way of showing what you have been through. If a man doesn't find you attractive because of scars, he is not worth your time.

Not Helpful 21 Helpful Humans are judgmental of themselves in general, and girls are usually worse than guys about it. Society has very specific and high standards about what is considered attractive in women and girls who feel like they don't live up to these standards feel bad about themselves.

Not Helpful 20 Helpful I used to have the same problem, but if you're nervous to approach a guy, think about how he feels about approaching you. Prepare yourself and set a time you can talk to him and plan what you are going to say. Say things like, "Hey, how's your day going? Not Helpful 6 Helpful First of all, there is no universal standard of beauty; different people are attracted to different qualities in a person.

If you're interested in feeling more attractive, try to accentuate what makes you unique and embracing confidence. At the end of the day, attractiveness has a lot more to do with attitude than appearance. Not Helpful 3 Helpful Often, the girls that are outgoing or flirtatious get pursued more quickly by men than quiet girls. Don't base your self worth on how men treat you. Be yourself and the right person will find you beautiful. Not Helpful 17 Helpful Many woman believe that they have to be attractive in order to be loved, but that isn't true.

A lot of men choose personality over looks. The men who do choose looks over personality, or even make fun of homely women, are really immature and not worth anyone's time.

Holiday Handbook: Browse shopping deals, recipes, tips for gathering safely and more. Finally, scientific studies we can actually use! We scoured the medical and scientific journals to find studies that would help us in the dating world. So smile, wear red, laugh at all his jokes and check out all the other proven ways to become more attractive—tell us which ones worked for you!

No dress? Red keeps him mesmerized for an average of 7. Flash him your smile Stone-faced runway models have got it all wrong. A recent study published by the American Psychological Association shows that smiling makes you more attractive since it stimulates the part of his brain associated with sensory rewards.

Put simply, you look more approachable with a gleaming grin.


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