These are usually options for decoration purposes, or that will bring more profits. You can also customize Bunkers in many ways while purchasing them. In total, you have three different options for decoration. The first option has no improvements, and naturally, there is no charge. The second and third options make your workplace look more comfortable. The personal quarter upgrade adds some furniture to a room inside of Bunker, such as a bed and a wardrobe.
However, after buying a room, you can choose the location where you will be spawned as Bunker when you join a new lobby. If you have nothing else to do other than Bunker and are most interested in this business, getting a room can be a good option. Thanks to the polygon located in Bunker, you can improve your aiming ability. Just like Ammu-Nations, these polygons have training grounds, where you complete various challenges and earn rewards.
In total, there are three different tiers of challenges, and all of them have awards. The price of Shooting Range is a little pricey. The interior structure of the bunkers is enormous when compared to most businesses. You can also buy upgrades from the laptop inside the Bunker apart from those upgrades. And these upgrades increase your overall income. If you have money, you should get these upgrades first. There is also an upgrade for security.
Sometimes, NPCs will raid your businesses in the game. The core purpose of Bunkers is to manufacture a variety of goods by processing the supplies you obtain.
In total, there are twelve types of supply sourcing missions. Of course, on the way back, NPCs will do their best to make your job harder, get ready for battle or just focus on your way. You can store a total of units of supplies and fill 20 units in each source mission.
However, if filling them all sounds laborious to you, you can also take the easy way out. We can give some fine details about the supplies. The total consumption time of units of supplies is minutes in real-life time.
If you buy all the performance upgrades, this time will increase to minutes. On the contrary, it means more production and more profit. If you want, you can purchase all the missing resources with the option at the bottom.
Or you can choose to steal supplies. The most notable characteristic of these people living at the foot of Mount Chiliad is their cannibalism. They also carry guns with them all the time. Keep in mind that the Altruists in the camp have pistols and shotguns. You can either pull up and eliminate them wave by wave, or keep driving without paying a mind. On this mission, we are going to steal supplies from Madrazo Cartel. You will steal the supplies and go back to the Bunker.
This mission may be a little challenging, but it sure is fun. Agent 14 will tell you the location of supplies.
In these locations, supplies will appear inside the crates. Your enemies will be scoping the area, and if they catch you, things will get hot. If your enemies are alerted, they will chase you in four waves, including a helicopter, along the way back.
Of all these missions, perhaps the most frustrating could be this mission. After launching the mission, Agent 14 tells you that helicopters are carrying the supplies. You have to destroy those helicopters to get them. If you have a weaponized aircraft, use it instead of Technical Aqua. In this mission, we will set up the private army, Merryweather, to steal the supplies we need.
There are several ways to complete this mission. When the mission starts, go to the marked area on the map and make a plan to stop the convoy. You can either use Dozer to block the path or directly attack them with a powerful weapon, such as Rocket Launcher. First things first, destroy the helicopter, then take out the soldiers who are driving Insurgents. Get in the vehicle and go back to your Bunker.
On the way back, of course, Merryweather will chase you. As you can guess from the name, we will steal Railgun in this mission. If you have an armored vehicle, you can quickly complete this mission with it. You need to steal Railgun from Merryweather or Humane Labs, so expect a clash of arms.
Of course, the gun is good, but it takes some time to charge. On the way back, the enemies will chase you even in helicopters. Sometimes your Bunker employees can make some very extraordinary requests from you.
One of them is a tank, also known as Rhino. You will have to attack weaponry testing zones and drive the tank to your Bunker. However, if your Bunker is very far away, you can also take a Cargobob from the area. Get into the helicopter, attach the tank, and move it from the air. Once the mission begins, Agent 14 will ask you to steal supplies from a rival organization.
When you go to the area marked on the map, you will see your enemies. Here you can manufacture weapons to sell on for profit or complete research to unlock exclusive weapon and vehicle modifications for purchase. I didn't think we were going to shift this thing. Come down and I'll take you through the handover procedure. Mobile Operations. Weaponized Vehicles. Disruption Logistics Bunkers. Universal Conquest Wiki. Ever wanted to give something back to the untouched woodlands that have given you so much peace and joy?
Have you considered a thousand tons of concrete and titanium? If you're looking for that elusive dovetail between crazy militarism and environmental diligence, you found it. Raton Canyon is a federally protected wilderness area, which all but guarantees the kind of peace and solitude your newly converted missile silo deserves. Plus, when the recycled air is making you nauseous, you can pop up for a lungful of the purest breeze in the state.
Lago Zancudo , westmost side of Fort Zancudo. Nestled among the sand dunes, enjoying year-round sunshine, the pacific gently breaking just a few strides away If you can ignore the constant earthquake warnings and the threat of flooding, this is as close to paradise as a subterranean bunker is going to get. Chumash , beyond the north-west side of Barbareno Road. I know what you're thinking. Who cares about sea views when you're fifty feet underground in a hermetically sealed nuke-proof bunker?
Well just remember. It doesn't need to make any sense to add a fat premium to the resale value. This is how you climb the ladder. Grapeseed , past the west side of McKenzie Field airstrip. Mainly accessed via a dirt road from Grapeseed Main Street. Amid all this talk of the death of small-town America, it's important to remember that somewhere like Grapeseed has an advantage over the big city: there's plenty of space for the one percent to build subterranean lairs in preparation for the apocalypse.
Hey, the heartlands aren't going to rejuvenate themselves. On one side, you hear the bubbling stream of the Zancudo River taking its share of bloated corpses from the Alamo Sea to the coast; on the other, the distant sound of whooping and gunfire from nearby Harmony. And beneath your feet a sprawling nuclear fortress. Welcome to Eden. Past a "dead-end" dirt road connected to Joshua Road. If you're a budding survivalist looking for a decent simulation of a nuclear wasteland, you could do a lot worse than the Grand Senora Desert.
This cozy property was originally built as an end-of-the-world shelter and general hangout for a cryptocurrency pioneer - and if that doesn't scream 'high build quality' what does? Due to high levels of unexplained radiation, the Grand Senora Desert is home to varieties of flora, fauna and underground bunker seen nowhere else on the planet. And this baby is triple-lined with tinfoil all the way round, so you're definitely safe. This discreet site in the Grand Senora Desert holds the record for the most unidentified bodies excavated during construction.
And if nothing else, that means it's popular with all the right people. Grand Senora Desert, north-east side of Thomson Scrapyard. Like any other phase of the property market, Armageddon is really all about location. On the one hand you want the perfect seclusion of the desert. Chumash Bunker. Grapeseed Bunker. Route 68 Bunker. Grand Senora Oilfields Bunker. Grand Senora Desert Bunker. Smoke Tree Road Bunker. Thomson Scrapyard Bunker. Farmhouse Bunker. Style 1 Free. Bunker Customization: Personal Quarters If you're going to sleep soundly through nuclear Armageddon you're going to need a cot and somewhere to change into your hazmat suit.
Bunker Customization: Gun Locker As the walls start to close in and you become increasingly afraid to go outside, being light on your feet is going to be a priority. Bunker Customization: Transportation There are probably several excellent reasons why a modified golf caddy is the time-honored choice for getting around in your subterranean lair.
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