Why is klonopin used recreationally

Let us help you do it. Medical Disclaimer The content of this website such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the website are for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice; the Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

In the event of a medical emergency, call a doctor or immediately. This website does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by this website is solely at your own risk. This drug is part of a group of substances known as benzodiazepines which includes other substances such as: Lorazepam Ativan Alprazolam Xanax Diazepam Valium Temazepam Restoril Unfortunately, Klonopin is often abused and people become dependant on the drug to function in their daily lives.

How Does Klonopin Work? Short-Term Effects of Klonopin Use The effects of being high on Klonopin continue to occur even after the high has worn off. After high effect will include: Fatigue-This is due to the long, 40 hour, half-life of this drug. Dizziness — Due to impaired cognition.

I also tried several herbal remedies and compounds that were meant to help with anxiety. Nothing seemed to cure me from the withdrawals or side effects of getting off Klonopin. It was all in vain! I even took a month off work at the height of my depression and anxiety to try and sort things out but it was useless. Time was what was needed. My brain had to relearn how to be happy and how to deal with anxiety all over again.

I enjoy my family and friends again. I have hope! I said if I ever make it through this I would help people by sharing my experience.

So I hope this helps someone out there to pull through and change their lives for the better. Thank you for sharing your experiences, Ben! We wish you nothing but success as you continue your journey! He explained that I could do so by cutting my 1mg dose in half for three days, then my 0. It took me several years of titrating down from 1mg to 0. It got me thinking that extremely gradual titrated step-down dosing could probably address almost all addictions including opioids.

I had to make these cuts myself and I know big pharma has zero interest in developing a formulary such as the one I describe to help people get off opioids, benzos and other addictive substances. Sounds like you did it correctly by lowering it so gradually that your body was able to adjust! Thanks for sharing your experiences and offering hope to those searching!

I just read your post on Klonopin withdrawal. There is a group called Benzo buddies on facebook that can help you withdraw. I am currently doing the water filteration. I suggest you look into this group for they are very knowledgable and will help you to wean off this poison the correct way. Good Luck! That is why it is always best to find what works the most for you. I just read your post on klonopin. This was very good and helpful and I will recommend to all my collegues who are on klonopin.

I am 64 years old. I was first prescribed Valium for anxiety when I was I managed to get off that with no problem when I was 27 because I wanted to get pregnant. When I was 42, I was going through some really tough times and I was put on Xanax for severe panic attacks. That was in I have been on it for 23 years. I do not abuse it and even though I am prescribed 4 mg. I have tried 7 times in the past 11 years to get off it, on my own and 4 times in detox.

The results have been disastrous and I had to go back on it. I take it mainly to maintain my motor functions.

I get terribly agitated and my arms feel like they are on fire. I feel that the detox facilities I have been to do not have a clue on how to detox someone from a 23 year Klonipen addiction.

I need help. Is there any hope for me? Yes, there is hope Dee! It's Possible to overcome addiction. Addiction Help. What Is Clonazepam? Our substance use disorder program accepts many health insurance plans, this is our residential program. The general Clonazepam dosage guidelines are as follows: For seizures — Adults and children 10 or older will likely first receive 0. Here is a long list of the Clonazepam side effects: Difficulty swallowing Hives Loss in sexual desire and ability Swelling around the lips, face, tongue, and eyes Heavier bleeding Irritated skin Double vision Loss of taste Stomach pain Tunnel vision Hair loss Feeling like you or your surroundings are constantly moving Poor coordination Loss of voice Fatigue Dizziness Difficulty breathing Shakiness Trouble concentrating Bloody urine Muscle aches Shivering Nervousness Lower back pain Loss of appetite Sweating Suicidal thoughts Vomiting Some of these side effects could be considered a medical emergency.

These include: Impaired reaction time Decreased sensory perception Slower reasoning Damaged visual-spatial cognizance Deteriorated short-term and long-term memory Weakened judgment Poorer information processing Compromised immune system Heightened risk of mood disorders like depression Irreparably altered sleep patterns Lack of restraint psychologically, socially, emotionally, and physically Sexual dysfunction The most notable long-term side effect of this drug is addiction.

Take a look at our inpatient program. Here are a few examples: Your work or school performance will take a hit. Your relationships with the people you care about will suffer. You will become unreliable and irresponsible.

You will likely drive under the influence, putting your life and the lives of other drivers in jeopardy. You can spend a lot of money on this habit. You might put yourself in unsafe situations. You are likely to buy this drug illegally, which could lead to a felony arrest. You will lose yourself in a haze of sedation to the point that you will become someone you do not recognize.

You will perform actions and say things you do not remember, which can have detrimental consequences. To be clear, abusing this drug never leads to a good place. In this video, Nicks talks about her addiction to Klonopin:. What is Klonopin Prescribed to Treat? Other information you need to know includes: Please do not attempt to drive a car or operate heavy machinery until you know how you are affected when taking Klonopin. You may find that it makes you feel dizzy or tired.

You may find that your anxiety levels improve relatively quickly after you start taking Klonopin. You may feel better within a few days. Benzodiazepines can be addictive even when they are being taken properly. Because of this, it is recommended for people to take them for short periods of time. Talk with your doctor about the appropriate length of time for you to be taking Klonopin.

Do not stop taking Klonopin without talking with your doctor. They may want to wean you off it slowly to decrease the severity of any withdrawal symptoms you might experience. Talk with your doctor before taking any type of opioid pain medication, such as Oxycodone or Percocet. Taking these two types of medications together has been linked to serious side effects, some of which can be fatal.

Always avoid drinking alcohol when taking Klonopin. How do People Abuse Klonopin? It is often heralded for its long-lasting sedative properties, and it is frequently sold on the streets under many different street names , such as: Tranks Benzos Pin Kpin Klons Super Valium It is not uncommon for drug dealers to sell Klonopin at clubs, parties and raves.

Why do People Abuse Klonopin? What is Klonopin Addiction Treatment? About the Author: Northpoint Staff. Related Posts. Kyle December 29, at am. Northpoint Recovery January 1, at am. Michelle February 7, at pm. Northpoint Recovery February 18, at pm. Ben February 10, at am. Insomnia to the point that I sleeping less than four hours a night, My short term and long term memory were shot. Because Klonopin is a prescription drug, many underestimate the issues of recreational use.

Individuals often perceive prescription drugs as less dangerous than street drugs like heroin. However misusing clonazepam can cause serious complications including extreme sedation, loss of consciousness, dependence, addiction and fatal overdose. Doctors frequently prescribe benzodiazepines like Klonopin, Ativan lorazepam , Valium diazepam , and Xanax alprazolam. Among those filling benzodiazepine prescriptions, the median cumulative quantity filled over the year increased by percent, from More people are taking more Klonopin.

More people are also using it recreationally. Recreational users often get clonazepam from a friend or family member. A survey of undergraduate college students published in Addictive Behaviors found the majority of respondents obtained prescription drugs from peer sources including friends or acquaintances.

Sharing Klonopin even on a casual basis can cause legal problems, as diverting prescription drugs is against the law. It can have serious consequences for a loved one. And Klonopin use comes with potentially dangerous side effects and drug interactions. You can also e-register yourself on.

At Alpha Healing Center, we offer state-of-the-art evidence-based treatments and holistic healing to create a unique recovery experience for individuals struggling with alcohol, drug and other addictions. Note : Alpha Healing centre does not provide online councelling only 30 days program at their private centre.

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All treatments are designed after understanding each patient personally. Note : We restrict our clientele to a very small number per centre. Our packages start from Rs 5 Lakh.


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