A polygraph test or lie detector test is designed to analyze physiological reactions to questions to determine whether or not a subject is being truthful. The first step to passing the test is understanding how it works. Most people have done these at least once, but lie about it. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel. Ben Davis October 17, Detective Del Spooner: Robots don't feel fear.
They don't feel anything. They don't eat, they don't sleep — Sonny : I do. I have even had dreams. Detective Del Spooner: Human beings have dreams.
Even dogs have dreams. But not you. You are Just a Machine. An imitation of life. Can a robot write a symphony? Can a robot turn a canvas into a beautiful masterpiece? Can you?
Spooner: I keep expecting the Marines, or Air Force. Hell, I'll take the cavalry. Spooner: Why din't you guys just hand over the world over on a silver platter? Spooner : How long is that gonna take? Calvin : About six minutes. Spooner : What if we didn't have six minutes? Calvin : We'd have to find a way to climb down thirty stories and inject the nanites directly into her brain. Spooner : Because I seriously doubt we have six minutes.
Pan out to show hundreds of robots climbing the building. Calvin : Please tell me this doesn't run on gas. Gas explodes, you know! Spooner : Can a robot write a symphony?
Sonny Sonny : steps, detective. Spooner : Do me a favor, keep that kind of shit to yourself. Detective Del Spooner: So, Dr. Calvin, what exactly do you do around here? Susan Calvin: My general fields are advanced robotics and psychiatry.
Although, I specialize in hardware-to-wetware interfaces in an effort to advance U. Detective Del Spooner: So, what exactly do you do around here? Susan Calvin: I make the robots seem more human. Detective Del Spooner: Now wasn't that easier to say? Susan Calvin: Not really. Spooner: [while watching a video of Lanning's speeches] He's trying to tell me who killed him. VIKI: You're making a mistake. Do you not see the logic of my plan?
Sonny: Yes. This movie is based on the robot stories of Isaac Asimov It borrows several characters notably Dr Alfred Lanning and Dr Susan Calvin, plot points and concepts, the most important of them being the Three Laws of Robotics , but it doesn't directly follow any of Asimov's novels or short stories, and the main character, Chicago Police Detective Del Spooner, was created specifically for this movie and isn't an Asimov character.
The Three Laws of Robotics as written by Asimov and shown in the beginning scenes of the movie are: 1 A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm; 2 A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law; and 3 A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. In later stories, Asimov proposed a "Zeroth" law which was as follows: A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.
A condition stating that the Zeroth Law must not be broken was added to the original three laws. First of all, the robots technically do not violate the Laws, V. The robots simply do what V. The only robot who can ignore the Three Laws by himself is Sonny, and he was specifically designed this way by Alfred Lanning. The robots have limited artificial intelligence, but V. She keeps the robots updated with the newest information to better serve humanity, but she is also programmed with the Three Laws to prevent her from doing harm.
This learning ability starts to clash with her basic programming; where the Three Laws normally pertain to individuals or groups of people, V. Mankind keeps endangering itself through wars and pollution, and the First Law tells her that she cannot allow a human or humanity to be hurt through inaction. So her rationality decides that it comes down to numbers and she has to intervene: just like the robot that once saved Spooner's life had to make a rational choice, and calculated that he had the best chances of survival, V.
She has effectively reinterpreted the Laws and their purpose, and acts according to what she thinks is the best implementation of them. Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence Edit. There is no real answer.