What's a corsage, you ask? It's a small bouquet of flowers worn on a female's wrist. Your date will likely buy a similar boutonniere for the lapel of your tux. Many grocery florists make corsages, too, and sometimes for a bit cheaper than a flower shop. Since ribbon is often involved, the florist will likely want to know the color of your date's dress to coordinate.
Ask your date. While you think she's wearing "pink," in reality she could be wearing "blush pink" or "coral," which are much different colors to a florist. Some guys will skip the corsage and bring their prom date a bouquet of flowers instead. Make the bouquet special, and still try to match details of it to her dress or include her favorite flowers.
Guys luck out at prom and don't have to agonize over what dress to wear or worry about whether John is wearing the same black tux. The traditional prom look for guys is all the same: a black or sometimes white tuxedo rented from a local formalwear shop.
If you have a dark suit that fits well and is in good quality, you can also wear this, too. Just make sure it's clean and pressed so you look your best. Black or white bow ties are the most popular ties worn at prom.
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Cookie Settings. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Download Article Explore this Article parts. Tips and Warnings. Related Articles. Part 1. Consider seeing a professional beautician. A professional beautician will be able to help you achieve your perfect look while taking away the stress of doing it yourself. Make sure you budget enough time to get dressed afterwards! Look for beauty salons that offer all of the services you need. There are many salons that offer hair, nail, and makeup packages.
Make an appointment in advance. Otherwise, you may not get an appointment in time. Get ready with friends. Invite a group of friends over to get ready for prom together. While you get ready, you can listen to your favorite songs, eat snacks, and reminisce about high school together.
Some parents like to take photographs of their children before prom. If so, invite your friends' parents over to take photos when everyone is ready.
Look your best. Wear something that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Women should find a dress or outfit that flatters their body type. Pair the outfit with comfortable shoes that make you feel amazing. Men can pair a fitted suit or other attractive ensemble with stylish and comfortable shoes.
For example, you could all wear black dresses. Avoid wearing uncomfortable clothing. Organize a ride. If possible, arrange for a car or limousine to take you and your friends to prom. Additionally, if you are in charge of organizing the ride, you can decide who to include. If a limousine is out of your budget, consider: Calling a nicer rideshare Asking friends to contribute money towards the limousine Asking a parent with a luxury car to drive you and your friends to prom.
Part 2. Hang out with a large group. Encourage your friends to hang out together, even if they have dates. This will help your awkward friends feel more comfortable with their dates and give you plenty of people to talk to. Guide your friend group towards the buffet so you can eat while you talk. Be open to talking to new people! Here are five reasons why dancing on your own or with a group of buds, anyway might just be the best recipe for an amazing night.
Sure, we all assume that having a crush -worthy partner at our side will make for the best kind of prom. But that's not always the case. Not only can having a crush with you at prom create stress the night-of, it can also lead to worry before hand. Will they work up the courage to actually ask you to be their date? What happens if they ask someone else? Going to prom alone or with friends means you'll skip all the worrying and get to focus on the excitement!
Not to mention, you can use the money you'd spend on someone else's boutonniere or corsage for cool shoes or a piece of jewelry for the real special someone — yourself. The unexpected things are what make prom truly memorable, whether it be that cute kid from physics class nervously asking you to join them for a slow dance, or spending 30 minutes in the bathroom with your pals reapplying mascara after the obligatory oh-my-god-we're-graduating cry.
Signs your teen may plan to attend an unsupervised party include:. If you suspect your teen plans to attend one of these parties and you are not comfortable with it, insist on driving them and picking them up so you can know for sure where they are.
Teens can't legally purchase alcohol, but some find a way to get beer and liquor anyway. Prom is a great excuse for teens to drink together as one last party before they enter the tough world of adulthood. One of the negative effects of teen drinking is drunken driving. The top teen cause of death is car accidents, many of which occur because of impaired driving. According to statistics, about one-third of teen drunk-driving related deaths happen during prom season. Teens who don't drink are also at risk if they ride in the car with a drunken driver.
Consider the consequences before drinking and driving or getting into the car with a drunken driver, Chances are your parents would rather come pick you up at a party where you've been drinking than see you injured or dead from a drunk-driving accident. Parents can talk to teens about the dangers of alcohol and plans if their teen gets stuck in a bad situation.
In movies and TV shows you often see teens losing their virginity or expecting sexual experiences on prom night. In one survey of over 12, teens, results showed that only 14 percent of girls said they had sex on prom night.
This real data seems to say that prom night sex is more of an urban legend rather than a popular activity. Your teen can talk to her date about sexual expectations before prom night and should feel comfortable expressing her preference to not engage at any point in the evening. Parents can talk to teens about views on sex and other sexual activities before, on and after prom night. When you talk to your teen about sex remember to:. The prom experience is unique to each person and varies from school to school.
Learn all you can about the times and locations of various prom night activities to be best prepared for the evening. The goal for teens is to have fun with friends while as a parent, your goal is to let them have fun and keep them safe. Pre-Prom Group Photos The beginning of prom night usually kicks off with group photos. Photo Spots Popular gathering places include: Someone's house, preferably with a big, picturesque location Local park Beach Gazebo Fountain Architectural structure, like a cool bridge or building.
Getting Organized Pick a specific time for photos and make sure all your friends and their parents know the plan.
Hiring a Professional Some groups choose to hire a professional photographer to make sure everyone gets a great picture and equal attention.
Prom Night Dinner Plans If your prom includes dinner, you'll head straight there after photos. The main options for prom dinner are: Make reservations at a fancy restaurant. In this case, make sure you arrive on time so they don't give away your table.
Drop in at a fast-food restaurant or diner. These places don't require reservations, are good for last minute planning, are more affordable and make fun photo ops where teens are all dressed up in a casual place. Have a potluck dinner at home. One person hosts the dinner in their home and everyone brings a dish to share for a homestyle family meal.