Can you taste antifreeze

My children nearly fainted when I showed them they were eating antifreeze donuts. Plainly listed in the ingredients of those little powdered donuts is glycol. I use my senses daily in my on-the-job diagnostic procedures. The smells a car makes can tell a mechanic many things, along with the other senses of taste, sight and touch.

In this magazine are advertisements for instruments, diagnostic services and equipment. However, we must learn to incorporate our senses to get the best results. When my customers see me plug my diagnostic computer to their car, they want to see how it tells me what to fix. I tell this story to illustrate how not only this instrument but also my senses, experience and other instruments all work together.

I ask the customer to imagine he owns a small hotel, with 10 floors and 10 rooms on each floor. As he sits at the desk one night, a fire alarm goes off. I explain that my computer will tell what floor the fire is on. It will tell one of three rooms involved and it will suggest tests for each of the rooms.

We have now reduced the investigative workload from rooms to three rooms. These tests come from experience and repair manuals. For instance, touch one door handle to see if it is hot. See if another door is leaking smoke. Smell another of the three doors to determine what sort of fire it is. This example shows how a combination of instruments, literature, sensory information and tools are required to solve the problem.

In his recent column, ML editor and publisher Jim Fitch called for a more professional job description for lubrication managers. Reading this proposal of standards and his request for feedback, I saw that all the utilities I use in my business are in use here.

Last week Texas oncologist Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo was charged with aggravated assault after attempting to poison her lover and fellow doctor George Blumenschein with ethylene glycol—the toxic main ingredient of antifreeze—that she slipped into his coffee.

Plenty of other people have used similar plots for murder, and the most recent Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers counted unintentional ethylene glycol poisonings in To his credit, Dr.

If a person ingests products containing ethylene glycol, it can cause severe complications, such as kidney failure, permeant nerve damage, and, in some cases, death. Methanol is a wood alcohol that manufacturers tend to use in paints, varnishes, and cleaners. Similar to ethylene glycol, methanol is highly toxic if a person ingests it. Propylene glycol is a nontoxic substance.

The Food and Drug Administration FDA approve the use of small quantities of propylene glycol in foods such as frostings and frozen dairy products. Antifreeze poisoning is a medical emergency. Anyone who suspects that they or someone else has ingested antifreeze should call or go straight to the emergency room. Do not wait for symptoms to appear before seeking help. The symptoms of antifreeze poisoning can take time to develop.

Early symptoms may appear similar to those of alcohol intoxication. Antifreeze poisoning is life-threatening and can lead to permanent organ damage, so early diagnosis and treatment is essential.

Nicotine is the substance in tobacco that makes it highly addictive to people who smoke. However, nicotine can harm the body on its own. This article…. In this article, we examine the symptoms of poisoning from organophosphate, a form of insecticide. We also look at the risks and treatment options. Lead poisoning is a serious risk for young children.

Exposure to old paints, water from lead pipes, and fumes from leaded fuels can cause lead to…. Alcohol poisoning occurs when someone consumes a toxic level of alcohol, usually in a short time. Symptoms are much, much more severe than those of…. Chemicals used as cooling agents in refrigeration and air-conditioning units can be deadly if inhaled.

This rarely occurs by accident, but some people…. In conclusion, antifreeze is a chemical substance used primarily to lower concentrations in fluids and prevent freezing. The taste is sweet to most humans but has been described as bitter or sour by some people, with a strong metallic aftertaste that can be nauseating at times.

What is Antifreeze? What Does Antifreeze Taste Like? Also always store any cleaning products or other chemicals where children cannot reach them. Additionally, make sure to wash up after using products. What Does Antifreeze Smell Like?


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